Year: 2013
A Letter To My 22 Year Old Self
Dear Peter, It’s me, your future self from five years ahead. Honestly, I’m not sure you should or could make any different decisions than I already did. But, I can at least tell you that it’s okay that you feel so lost right now and tell you what’s coming ahead in the next few years.…
November 2013 : A Month of Meditation Practice
I completed my November month of meditation having only missed one day. Half the time it was with a group, and the other half by myself at home. Typically, by myself, I meditated for 45 minutes before going to sleep. Have I transformed? It’s hard to say. Especially because I don’t want to make meditation…
November 2013: 30 Day Meditation Challenge
Back in July, I did a week long meditation retreat. During the journey, I laid down directions for myself including the goal of meditating every day and to prioritizing only one new habit per month. Close friends of mine probably know that I’ve spent years chasing after all kinds of goals, experiences, skills, and habits.…
2013: Living as an Awake Human Being
2013 has been a special year. I feel as if I’ve matured into adulthood in so far as I stopped trying to reinvent myself from a place of inadequacy or dislike. After years of striving to become someone greater than I am, I finally broke down and broke through to radically accepting myself. And in…
A Broken Heart
I have to apologize. I haven’t written anything in a long time. That’s strange. Even in middle school, I wrote pages of text trying to make sense of my experience, to cope with the pains of living in this world. But if I look at my Evernote writing drafts folder, my last piece was from…