November 2013: 30 Day Meditation Challenge

Back in July, I did a week long meditation retreat. During the journey, I laid down directions for myself including the goal of meditating every day and to prioritizing only one new habit per month.

Close friends of mine probably know that I’ve spent years chasing after all kinds of goals, experiences, skills, and habits. But I’m starting over with a clear intention of not trying to fix myself or the world. But to do these things because I feel they are right and good for me.

In addition, the idea of public accountability was always appealing to me. I think the best way to start a habit is to do it with others. But having a public way of showing your progress, I hope, is almost as good.

Looking over the past two months, I’ve been slipping more and more. So, my goal for November is a solid 30 days of meditation. I suspect I’ll miss a few days here and there, but I want to be at least 24+ days.

I’ll be logging my progression here:
