Month: December 2018
From Division of Labor to Artificial Intelligence
The division of labor witnessed in early civilizations has a direct link today’s robotics and artificial intelligence overtaking people’s jobs. With this revolution taking place in the job market, we need an equal revolution in our antiquated societal structures such as education to train for the skills that cannot be replaced by AI. According to…
AI Therapists Clarify How Mindfulness and Circling Help to Understand People
I found recently inspiration for a way of explaining and orienting Circling practice from an unexpected source. This insight came from reading a book called Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work. The authors spent several years investigating high performing teams and organizations…
Religion as Meaning Making Guide
Since my college days, I’ve contemplated the meaning of religion. It was and continues to be an active inquiry for me. I disliked the arrogant certainty that the evangelicals and the atheists spoke about each other. Particularly, the atheists who should know better and yet still claimed to be free from the disease of religion.…
Near-Term Social Collapse
I updated recently to believe that things are extremely bad. Global social collapse is underway. Significant breakdown of civilization is likely to occur within the next five to ten years. This means mass starvation, mass migration, war, and possibly even the extinction of humanity. No one will be safe, this collapse endangers and threatens everyone.…
New Beginning
So, it’s been nearly a year since my last post. A lot has happened this year… I finished my 3rd year of Circling Europe’s SAS Leadership training, this year I was a teaching assistant. Led an amazing circling meditation intensive at the Monastic Academy with outside teachers including Mike Blas, Vincenzo, and Olivia. One of…