Month: May 2010
Goodbye World, Going to a Vipassana Meditation Retreat Thursday morning, I will be leaving to a 10 Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat from May 19th to May 30th, 2010.. During the retreat, I will be sitting, eating, walking, and sleeping by myself. I will be free from all the everyday distractions such as work, television, people, and extraneous thoughts leaving me to just…
Helping Others Achieve Their Dreams
In the past months, I’ve realized an epiphany about how to make the world a better place. The lesson isn’t new, but I’ve internalized it with experience now. The wrong way of trying to help people is telling them what they are doing wrong and how to correct themselves. Even if you are right. Anyone…
Self-Expression vs Emotional Mastery: Introduction
This post is a Cliff notes, Seth Goden version of a series of posts I am planning on writing. An amuse bouclĂ©, if you will. Reactive, Extraverted Types Some of my friends are very charismatic, social, and expressive individuals. You say the wrong thing to them, they immediately get angry. Compliment them, and you’ll get…
I Have Finished My Masters Program
I created that sign last summer when I began research for my masters thesis. Each date marks a pivotal point for my thesis progression and my life in DC. December 1, 2009 was the deadline for my thesis rough draft. February 22, 2010 was the deadline for my thesis final draft. May 5, 2010 was…