Month: September 2020

  • Why don’t we have more leaders?

    So, we continue our series on Leadership.  In the first post, we defined Leadership as the skill of power to bring individuals together towards a vision. We defined different forms of leadership and argued that the best leadership power involves earning the respect of your followers rather than only relying on delegated power derived from…

  • Leadership vs Management

    This is a continuing series on Leadership Development In my previous post, I defined what is a leader. I said a leader is someone who uses the skill of power over others towards a vision. The key pieces here being that leadership is a skill that one can get better at. And that leadership involves…

  • What is a Leader? (new series)

    For a series of posts, I am exploring the topic of leadership. What is it? Why is leadership important? Why do we have such a hard time with leadership development? How do you train leadership?  This is an important question because the Monastic Academy for the Preservation of Life on Earth (MAPLE) is a mindfulness…