Month: June 2010

  • DO Talk to Strangers

    Remember when you were a kid, and your parents told you not to talk to strangers? After all, the world is a big, scary, and dangerous place, right? These protective, well intended rules become ingrained habits that limit our happiness and success as an adult. In the past few months, I’ve made it a point…

  • The Year of Challenges

    When I was a graduate student, I didn’t like how others would say, “You’re still in school” as if somehow I was on vacation or not working as hard as everyone else. Mind you, I was also working as a teaching assistant and still had my old computer tech job so I was easily pushing…

  • Post Meditation Bootcamp Thoughts

    Hello world, I returned to civilization on Sunday, May 30th after 10 days of grueling meditation. I’m still at a lost for words on how to encapsulate the experience or what lasting impact meditation will have on my life. So, here’s a list of lessons I learned. It was a Bootcamp, not a mere class…