Month: April 2010
Waking Early Update: Day 37
My early riser experiment started 36 days ago. I’m suprised to say that I’ve become a morning person….sort of. I used to hate waking up early. I preferred to sleep in and spend long hours into the night surfing the internet. But in the past 37 days, I’ve been sleeping around midnight and waking between…
Trapeze Flying in Washington DC
This week, Dan and I went trapeze flying at the confusingly named Trapeze School New York (TSNY) located in Washingotn DC SE. I accidently stumbled upon TSNY when I was searching for skydiving places. TSNY opened their DC school less than a year ago, but I’m surprised I haven’t heard more about it. They originally…
Jesus at Reef’s Rooftop Bar
Elliot, an old friend from high school and college, came down to visit for the weekend. As obligated by bro-law, we had one too many drinks over the weekend and had a debauchery of fun. One of the highlights for me was Saturday night in Adams Morgan. Usually, I detest this neighborhood. The sidewalks are…
My Grandmother’s Grave
This is personal and likely not suitable for a public blog, but it’s been on my mind for a long time…My apologies for not posting for a while. Life is busy, and I have nothing to write. Last weekend, I went back home to see my older brother off. He was flying out to Japan…
Enlightenment in Just One Minute
Say whatever you want. But starring into Jim Carrey’s loving-kindness face, my eyes are filled with tears of bliss and gratitude.